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Author and Fan Made Videos for MagicVell Book 1: The Beginning

If you have a video you would like on this site, please email me the link at

MagicVell Book 1 Trailer

This video was made my me, Z.T.Hume. It is my quick summary of my book, I hope you enjoy! 

MagicVell Trailer for Book 1

This video was made by my friends at LilyPotterSnape. I want to thank them for making this for me.

Please note that not all videos will be uploaded onto this site, only the videos that I feel represent my book the best will go on this site.

The Creatures of MagicVell Part 1

This video was also made by me, the pictures in this are the closest I could find and edit to fit my ideals for both characters and their creatures. I hope you enjoy!

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