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Main Characters

Birth: October 17, 1496, 1:00 PM, Earth
     Current home: King's Manor, MagicVell, The MagicVellian Galaxy
     Magic type: Part-Everything
     Wand: It 2.0
     Eye color: Grey, normally
     Hair: Short blond
     Transportation: The MV Express Train 3.0, The Flying Bus (No model name), a red 1959 MV Cadillac Convertible, a flying motorcycle (special MV edition), Gabian (his white dragon), The Spirit of Battle (his big flying ship that resembles a pirate ship), Magic
     Groups: The Deathly 10, Board Of Magic, The Time Benders Organization, The Scribes and Drawers Association, The Conversers Association, The Shape Shifter Organization, EarthenNizers Organization, The Crytosmor Association, and The Rare Magical Power Group Organization.
     Misc. Info.: Looks like he is only 17 years old, can play every musical instrument, and enjoys reading and working in his greenhouses in his spare time.
     Quick Bio: At the age of 9, he was fighting against evil. His parents were killed during the winter of 1532. On July 28, 1532, he went to the Fates' headquarters to have a meeting. The meeting finished with a deal, a deal that made Zaceitorius immortal. This deal also unlocked all of his powers, allowing him to be a full part-everything. He was trained by Zonethian Sterling, who was the 12th king of MagicVell. He also went to the Universal Magical University of Magic Knowledge (UMUMK), graduating with all majors. He has trained many great warriors throughout his career, and is now taking on the task of training the heirs of Fairiatopia. Zace, as he is often called, is also very generous when it comes to money, he tends to give thousands of dollars away to pointless causes, just as well as good causes.

King Zaceitorius Xast Quincy William Fremmings

Lord Landon Isaac Evermore

     Birth: October 17, 1496, 12:00 PM, Earth
     Current home: The Dark Castle, Caligoumbra, Evil Empire
     Magic type: Part-Everything
     Wand: Knight's Demise
     Eye color: Grey, normally
     Hair: Medium length black, sometimes a little greasy
     Transportation: A black hearse pulled by two dead horses, a black 1958 MV Cadillac Limousine, The Immanis (the big black ship of his), Lukor (his black dragon), Magic

     Groups: The Deathly 10, (is a member to most of the other groups Zaceitorius belongs to, but never shows up for any meetings so he is no longer considered a member in these groups.)
     Misc. Info.: He looks like he is 22 years old, has great architectural skills, and loves to live life in luxury.
     Quick Bio: After living life as a man with good morals, Landon was set on the road to destruction. While away, working on building great things on Earth, his parents were attacked and kidnapped by evil. His only choice was to become evil, and in return his parents would be set free. After taking the deal from the Fates, Landon fully showed his evil side, by this time his parents had been killed by evil, for they lied about setting them free. Landon was too brain washed into thinking life was better this way; the other evil people taught him to think like them. Before long, Landon was far beyond gone, he was lost to us, but found by them. He has served as the emperor of the Evil Empire ever since the death of Ted Amore Charming. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants, which is total domination of the universe.

Cheyanne Lynn Leos

     Birth: October 17, 1496, 2:00 PM, Earth
     Current Home: Town Hall of Syra, Tronoak, The Librium Galaxy
     Magic type: Part-Everything
     Wand: The Enchanter
     Eye Color: Grey, normally
     Hair: Long golden brown, sometimes curly
     Transportation: A blue 1990 MV Mitsubishi Eclipse, Damius (her golden griffin), the clouds, Magic
     Groups: The Deathly 10, The Scribes and Drawers Association, The Conversers Association, The Shape Shifter Organization, EarthenNizers Organization, The Crytosmor Association, and The Rare Magical Power Group Organization.
     Misc. Info.: She looks like she is 19 years old, is obsessed with reading books, and is extremely intelligent.
     Quick Bio: After having her parents killed by evil, Cheyanne has vowed to defeat evil once and for all. She loves to read as much as she can, which helps her with her goals, for the more she reads the smarter she gets. She is good friends with Zaceitorius, and plans on being there for him no matter what. Cheyanne is also an inventor, for she has created enough new spells to fill a book, and she has developed a new language. Cheyanne is, often, very proper acting, as if she is completely rich. She does like to have fun, even though she acts the way she does; she loves music and loves a good game of tennis.

Johnathon Blue VanGoth

     Birth: October 17, 1496, 3:00 PM, Earth
     Current Home: Shadow Manor, Mariddien, The Norcroft Galaxy
     Magic type: Part-Everything
     Wand: The Deceiver
     Eye Color: Grey, normally
     Hair: Medium length black, straight
     Transportation: A black hearse pulled by two grey horses, a black 1993 MV Jeep Wrangler, Max (his grey dragon), the Spirit Realm, Magic
     Groups: The Deathly 10, The Scribes and Drawers Association, The Conversers Association, The Shape Shifter Organization, EarthenNizers Organization, The Crytosmor Association, and The Rare Magical Power Group Organization.
     Misc. Info.: He looks like he is 20 years old, is a spy for the side of good, and enjoys spending his free time in graveyards.
     Quick Bio: At the age of 12, Johnathon was different, he resembled the likes of evil, yet he remained on the side of good. He vanished for about a year, then rumors spread that he was fully evil. After joining forces with Landon, he came after Cheyanne. When he was defeated in the battle over Cheyanne, he vanished again. 50 years later, Johnathon showed up in the Norcroft Galaxy, no longer on the same side as Landon. When found by Zaceitorius, he said that he was on the side of good for many years, that he only worked with Landon to survive. After regaining his strength, Johnathon vowed to act as a double agent, to help the side of good spy on the Evil Empire. Johnathon still does this for fun, for Landon and him are still good friends despite the fact that they fight on opposite sides. He never plans on going back to being evil.

Charelles Lane McGraphnie

     Birth: October 17, 1496, 4:00 PM, Earth
     Current Home: Nightshade Manor, Mezzaluna, The Luno Galaxy
     Magic type: Part-Everything
     Wand: Supernova
     Eye Color: Grey, normally
     Hair: long metallic silver
     Transportation: A light blue 1960 MV Thunderbird, Gamon (his silver dragon), moon-beams, magic.
     Groups: The Deathly 10, The Scribes and Drawers Association, The Conversers Association, The Shape Shifter Organization, EarthenNizers Organization, The Crytosmor Association, and The Rare Magical Power Group Organization.
     Misc. Info.: He looks like he is 17 years old, is obsessed with moons, is a loner, except for when it comes to Lillian, and has actual metallic silver hair that looks like real silver.
     Quick Bio: Charelles always loved moons, not only did he have his house themed in them, he also studied them. He discovered most of the moons the orbit around Jupiter, and a few round Saturn. He has written 17 books about moons within his lifetime. He never really liked killing evil, but ever since evil killed his parents he vowed to take revenge. Charelles can play most instruments, but cannot do well in sports. He enjoys relaxing with his 4 cats: Lunar, Starla, Lacy, and Sam. Charelles says very little, generally, but he will speak his mind when he wants to. Since his parents’ deaths, he has become close friends with Lillian.

Lillian Annette Beaudeclaire

     Birth: October 17, 1496, 5:00 PM, Earth
     Current Home: Sunset Towers, Zullutto, The Isocore Galaxy
     Magic type: Part-Everything
     Wand: Lightblade
     Eye Color: Grey, normally
     Hair: long, wavy blonde
     Transportation: A yellow 1973 MV Volkswagen Beetle, Lorelei (her white unicorn), water, magic.
     Groups: The Deathly 10, The Scribes and Drawers Association, The Conversers Association, The Shape Shifter Organization, EarthenNizers Organization, The Crytosmor Association, and The Rare Magical Power Group Organization. 
     Misc. Info.: She looks like she is 16 years old, always wears bright colors, loves Lilies, and also enjoys nature.
     Quick Bio: Lillian was the last of the Deathly 10 to be born. She is very outgoing and loves to make people happy, no matter what the cost is. She acts childish at times, and plays practical jokes on people. She enjoys traveling, and has been to over 700 planets. She is best friends with Charelles, even though he is a very quiet individual. She believes that only good should fight evil, and that good shouldn’t fight good over stupid issues such as property and money. She is a girly-girl, and nothing close to Cheyanne who acts very proper. She enjoys fast, upbeat music to do just about anything to, such as cleaning, which she also enjoys. She also loves to sing.

Ted Amore Charming

     Birth: October 17, 1496, 8:00 AM, Earth
     Death: September 22, 1690
     Current Home: The Tomb of the Greats
     Magic type: Part-Everything
     Wand: The Finale / Everlight
     Eye Color: Grey, normally
     Hair: Medium length grayish black
     Transportation: A silver 2000 MV Mustang GT, Vivian (his black and white dragon), Magic
     Groups: The Deathly 10, The Scribes and Drawers Association, The Conversers Association, The Shape Shifter Organization, EarthenNizers Organization, The Crytosmor Association, and The Rare Magical Power Group Organization. 
     Misc. Info.: He looks like he is 21 years old, wears a lot of dark colors most of the time, and hates the Spirit Realm.
     Quick Bio: Ted was the first to born, of the Deathly 10. He was born evil, but he hid this from the rest of the Deathly 10 and Zonethian so that he could learn magic. Ted was like Landon, he loved everything that was expensive. After the Deathly 10 made the deal with the Fates, he showed his true colors; he joined the Evil Empire. He took over within the first few weeks that he was there, and became one of their best leaders. Ted updated the Evil Empire, and brought to it the royalties that many people could never afford. It was during his rule over the empire that their armies gained in power and number. Due to his ability to come up with excellent battle plans, the Evil Empire destroyed a lot. The deathly 10, minus Landon, concluded that he was a problem too big for the universe to handle. After years of fighting, they killed him. According to the Fates’ terms within their contract that was part of the deal, once dead they would arise again after 24 hours. 24 hours passed, and then terror struck everyone of the Deathly 10; Ted did not rise, he was completely dead. Their deal with the Fates had been canceled, they could die, but they had no clue when that would happen.

Alexander Fynn Marx

The Deathly 10

     Born: October 17, 1496, 9:00 AM, Earth
     Death: January 29, 1742
     Current Home: The Tomb of the Greats
     Magic type: Part-Everything
     Wand: The Guardian
     Eye Color: Grey, normally
     Hair: Short deep red
     Transportation: A metallic mint green 1964 MV Mercedes Benz, Bane (his purple winged flying lion), magic
     Groups: The Deathly 10, The Scribes and Drawers Association, The Conversers Association, The Shape Shifter Organization, EarthenNizers Organization, The Crytosmor Association, and The Rare Magical Power Group Organization. 
     Misc. Info.: He looks like he is 18, has hair that looks as if he dyes it red, but it is natural, and loves animals.
     Quick Bio: Alexander was the second of the Deathly 10 to be born; he was born in the wilderness. He had a fun and exciting childhood with a lot of adventure and travel. Once on MagicVell, he pursued a career in magical law and worked at the Magic Council. While working there, he mapped the universe; finding out exact locations of galaxies. In 1580, he found the location of the Evil Empire, and was the first person to actually map not only its location, but also the galaxy itself. He also started work on finding rare magical creatures and helping them survive. While fighting in a battle against Evil, he was hit by a spell. Normally that spell would have done no damage to him, but the Fates changed this. After two painful days, Alexander died at his home. Alexander was the second of the Deathly 10 to be killed by the revengeful Fates.

Susan Emily Barbone

     Born: October 17, 1496, 10:00 AM, Earth
     Death: July 10, 1839
     Current Home: The Tomb of the Greats
     Magic type: Part-Everything
     Wand: The Lion’s Dream
     Eye Color: Grey, normally
     Hair: Long curly golden brown
     Transportation: A yellow 2000 MV Ferrari 360 Modena, Eve (her cold fire phoenix), magic
     Groups: The Deathly 10, The Scribes and Drawers Association, The Conversers Association, The Shape Shifter Organization, EarthenNizers Organization, The Crytosmor Association, and The Rare Magical Power Group Organization. 
     Misc. Info.: She looks like she is 17, is proper acting, and loves expensive things.
     Quick Bio: Susan was born into a very rich family. She loves to research magic, trying to find new ways of using it. Susan has published a few magic books and potions books. When she lived on MagicVell, she was given the title Lead Magictorian, meaning that she was the leading witch of the era. Within her lifetime, she has discovered three ancient temples the date back to the beginning of MagicVell’s existence. Although Susan doesn’t want to fight, she will easily join in for any battle against Evil. Once she left MagicVell to rule another galaxy, she helped MagicVell break its isolation laws. This started some little conflicts with other galaxies, so she decided that the isolation laws of MagicVell should be kept, and honored them. After one of the Deathly 10 meetings in the year of 1838, she went missing. It was said that she left on a quest to bring peace to her galaxy, but she never returned there ever again. Her body was found in her old house on MagicVell. It looked perfectly fine, not a hair out of place, but she was dead. To this day, no one knows how she truly died, which just showed the Deathly 10 that the Fates weren’t done with their new plan, the plan to end the era of the Deathly 10.

Rose Marie Taylor

     Born: October 17, 1496, 11:00 AM, Earth
     Death: May 8, 1907
     Current Home: The Tomb of the Greats
     Magic type: Part-Everything
     Wand: The Adorned
     Eye Color: Grey, normally
     Hair: Long curly black
     Transportation: A teal 1999 MV Porsche Boxster Convertible, Iris (her emerald green dragon), magic.
     Groups: The Deathly 10, The Scribes and Drawers Association, The Conversers Association, The Shape Shifter Organization, EarthenNizers Organization, The Crytosmor Association, and The Rare Magical Power Group Organization. 
     Misc. Info.: She looks like she is 17, loves nature and, ironically, loves roses. Also is very jumpy.
     Quick Bio: Rose has been the Deathly 10 member most in touch with nature. She managed to grow a garden with every known rose, on the planet of Earth, in it at the age of 14. She also loves to draw and paint in her free time. Most of her paintings are of flowers, of course. She also spent some time drawing and painting her own versions of the Mona Lisa, only because she is a big fan of Leonardo da Vinci. Rose went through a very depressing time in her life; her parents were missing, and she spent many years searching for them. After giving up on ever finding them, she blamed their disappearance on Evil. She loves to let her energy out when she’s battling Evil, letting her hair fly recklessly in the wind as she runs with her wand and dagger.  In the year of 1907, Evil and the Fates found her; what they left her body in was dreadful. Her body had been frozen in time, and then cut up into hundreds of perfectly shaped cubes. Her murder was the worst murder MagicVell had ever seen; the image of her destroyed body remains within Lillian’s and Cheyanne’s memories till this very day.

The Past Rulers of MagicVell

King Zonethian Lorrance Quin Sterling

     Born: January 27, 1431, 7:38 PM, MagicVell
     Death: September 21, 1517
     Resurrection: June 30, 1532, by Death and the Fates
     Current Home: 4598 Knight Rd, Corrignum, MagicVell, The MagicVellian Galaxy
     Magic type: Pure Wizard, Part-Everything (changed into this by the Fates)
     Wand: The Sage
     Eye Color: Every color
     Hair: Medium length grey-white
     Transportation: A black and white 1946 MV Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith, Azreth (his bronze dragon), paintings, magic.
     Groups: The Scribes and Drawers Association, The Conversers Association, The Shape Shifter Organization, EarthenNizers Organization, The Crytosmor Association, and The Rare Magical Power Group Organization. 
     Misc. Info.: He looks like he is around the age of 67, is mostly calm and serious, but can be strict at times.
     Quick Bio: Zonethian, also known as Zon, was born into a very rich MagicVellian family. He never cared a lot about wealth, but he liked the fact that if he needed to find information on anything that he had the money to pay for very secretive information. Zonethian took his time perfecting all of his elemental magic by the age of 18. In 1456, he became president of the Department of Law Enforcement in the Magic Council. After feeling that he wanted to do more for the younger MagicVell generations, he quit his job to become a teacher in 1469, at the University of Magic. This new job only lasted 2 years, though, because a better opportunity came to him. King Lurius was killed in battle against Evil; Zonethian was nominated for his replacement. He won the quick vote, and took office the very next day. During his time as king, he restored MagicVell back to its state of perfection, and kept it safe. In the year of 1517, he went into battle to protect his home. He was hit by a powerful curse, one that greatly injured him. He lost his life nine days later, on September 21, 1517. When the Fates came up with the idea of the Deathly 10, they needed a teacher for them; Zonethian was the first person they turned to. They sent Death to the Spirit Realm to offer him his life back and this new job; he took that deal. In return, they turned Zon into a Part-Everything, and gave him all the knowledge that he would need to train the Deathly 10. After training the Deathly 10 everything that he knew, he stepped down from being their leader and appointed Zaceitorius as the new one. He still is in charge of their meetings and helps Zace with all of the responsibilities of being the leader to the group who could control the universe.

King Lurius David

     Born: March 27, 1398
     Death: June 7, 1459
     Rulership: 1419 - 1459
     Current resting place: Royal's Cemetery
     Magic Type:  Pure Wizard
     Wand: The Illuminator
     Eye Color: Brown
     Hair: Short Dark Brown, slicked back
     Transportation: Aura (his purple horned dragon), magic
     Misc. Info.: Used magic to keep his appearance around the age of 35, has the ability to come back from the dead as a spirit, and is a relaxed person.
     Quick Bio.: Lurius was the 11th ruler of MagicVell, being the 7th man to hold the position. He was born on MagicVell, and was killed while fighting the forces of Evil, on MagicVell.

Queen Daniela Johnson

Copyright 2013 The Official MagicVell Writer, Z. T. Hume                 

I would like to leave a note here, just saying that the images representing my characters on this site are simply images that I picked out, which best portray  the image I have in my mind for each character. Most of these images were not mine in the beginning, so I would like to just say thank you to the original owners of these pictures, and give credit where it is due. Most of them have been through a form of editing though, so these are not the true original pictures. If you happen to be one of the original owners of one of these pictures, please fill free to E-Mail me at regarding your picture(s). I will be more than willing to mention your names on this site in farther updates of the site.

Thank you for visiting my site.   -Z.T.Hume

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