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Size: The size of Jupiter times 10. Its diameter is 888,461 miles. 

Surface:  65% land 35% water

Number of moons: 2, Stella and Lumen

Weather: Has four seasons, but winter is extremely short

Population: Witches and wizards. All others are welcomed.

Brief History: MagicVell was the first planet in the MagicVellian Galaxy; it was created by Zachariah, who was the first king of MagicVell. MagicVell is now on its thirteenth king, which is Zaceitorius. MagicVell is at the center of the galaxy, four suns rotate around it, but from different distances. MagicVell is the head planet, meaning that who ever rules over MagicVell, rules over the entire galaxy. The downtown area has many thing within it; one of these things is the bell tower. The bell tower holds 13 bells, one for each of the past and present rulers of MagicVell, and these bells form a protection spell around the galaxy. MagicVell is home to a lot of famous witches and wizards, including many immortals like Zace. One of MagicVell's greatest allies is Fairiatopia. MagicVell is also often shortened down to just MV.


Size: The size of Jupiter times 7. Its diameter is 621,923 miles.

Surface: 68% land 32% water

Number of moons: 12, one for each district

Weather: Very diverse; Electrical regions have thunderstorms and electrical storms most of the time, Water regions have windy sunny weather, Fire regions have dry sunny weather, Earth regions have three seasons; summer, fall, and spring, Heart regions have cool slightly cloudy skies, and Shadow regions have dark cloud covered skies with no lightening, but thunder.

Population: Fairies, both male and female

Brief History: Fairiatopia  came into the MagicVellian Galaxy during its earlier stages. When it was moved to its current location, the planet was only divided up into six districts: Earth, Fire, Water, Electrical, Heart, and Shadow, but a war threatened this peaceful planet. The planet was moved due to a belligerent galaxy, and a few  of these aggressive fairies hid on Fairiatopia. Eventually these few fairies gained in number, and tried to take over the planet, but failed to becuase the better fairies had made alliances with MagicVell. The battle was short and ended with six new districts; the darker fairies would live on there side of Fairiatopia which was divided into six districts, while the better fairies would live on the other side of the planet in their six districts. Eventually the other fairies were given the name dark fairies due to the fact that the planet lost most of its sunlight on its southern hemisphere. Now there are six heirs to the brighter side of Fairiatopia, an heir to eventually rule over one of each of the six districts.

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