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Founded in 1028 by King Daniel, the UMUMK has been a place for knowledge since its first days. The UMUMK was King Daniel's greatest physical achievement. In his mind, King Daniel believed that MagicVell should have a proper place for teaching and so the school's first plans were put into action. An adition was added to the main building during the ruler ship of King Strontor, in 1120. In the year 1234, Queen Laura funded all of the money to build dorms on the masive property of the school. It is located in the heart of MagicVell, only a mere six miles from the king's manor. Its highest tower is one of MagicVell's tallest buildings only to be surpassed by the clock tower and two other buildings.
Many great people have studied at the UMUMK. To name a few: The Deathly 10, King Zonethian, King Lurius, Queen Daniela, King Jasper, and King Aramis. Many big faces have also taught at the school and visited from time to time. The School has an air of superiority. 
The grounds of the grand school include a stream as well as many wooded areas. Small businesses have been introduced to the campus to provide the students with some of their wants and needs. The building itself is best described as a castle, but some of its features stray away from the classic castle look. Sections of the building resemble a chathedral while others have a more modern look to them. 
First year students are recomended to carry a map of the school because it is very easy to get lost in the building. Students can choose to either live at the dorms on the campus or to stay at home. They attend classes throughout the entire week. Their schedules consist of: 2 Monday classes, 3 Tuesday classes, 3 Wednesday classes, 3 Thursday classes, 2 Friday classes, 2 Saturday classes, and 1 Sunday class. Classes generally last one hour. An aditional class is offered after class on Tuesdays and Thurdays for those who wish to take the course. 
The professors that teach at the UMUMK have all been through a series of tests and many background checks to ensure that they are the best for the school and can bring only good things to it. These teachers follow under the leadership of the school's headmaster or headmistress. The Magic Council's Department of Education watches over and monitors all activies within the school to ensure that things are done properly. The UMUMK is the only magic school on MagicVell that is so closely watched by the Magic Council. All other magic schools in the MagicVellian Galaxy are told to follow the UMUMK's example.
For a complete list of classes please click here. 
For a complete list of the staff at the UMUMK please click here. 

The Universal Magic University of Magical Knowledge (UMUMK)

Class List
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