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     He stared at his watch, waiting for the perfect time. Finally the little hands on the face lined up to 12:00. The man got up, grabed his folder, and vanished. The name on the folder was Zonethian.


     The woman was walking down an alley way, carrying a large purse. She checked the clock in a store window, it read 12:00. She searched through her purse, found the folder and started running. She ran into a wall, and vanished as if it were a door way. The name on the folder was Cheyanne.


     She sat on a park bench, watching the fish swim in the little pond. She loved nature a lot, and she also loved the night sky. Tonight was perfect, not a cloud in the sky, a perfect full moon, and this wonderful little pond in this nice little park. She suddenly remembered something and looked at the watch on her arm, 12:00. She got up in a hurry and noticed her folder was on the ground. She picked it up and ran into the pond, dissappearing under the surface of the water. The name on the folder was Lillian.


     He looked out the window at the full moon and smiled. He loved the moon so much, so much that his entire house had a theme dealing with moons. His living room was focused on cresent moons while his kitchen was themed by full moons. He loooked at the clock on his wall. It was light blue with a faded image of the moon behind its face. The clock read 12:00. He hurried to the dark blue desk in his study and found a folder. He looked back to the clock and, before he could blink, vanished. The name on the folder was Charelles.


     He sat on a new tombstone in a large cemetery. He had just finished walking from one side of the graveyard to the other, and was a little tired now. A slight fog had rolled over the many graves in the cemetery, and he liked this a lot. A church tower in the distance sounded out twelve chimes, stating that it was 12:00. He jumped off the headstone and pulled out a folder from behind it. He walked into a crypt, located only a few feet from the tombstone. He vanished through the doors of it. The name on the folder was Johnathon.


     My name is Zaceitorius, Zace for short, and this story is absolutely true. Though you might find this book in the fiction section of your library, it belongs in the non-fiction section. The story you are about to read has never been known before, we have covered up all evidence that these events have happened. The reason why I am writing this is because the time has come for the human race to find out about us; to warn them that evil will always try to stop good and will do anything to do this. This includes the possibility of blowing up the Earth with all of its populance. I also want to let you know that we are not the enemy, we will protect you from these such evils so that you will never come to extinction. We highly value the human race and Earth.

     I was doing my nightly walk in downtown MagicVell, one of the many things I tended to do at night. Sleep was never my thing, to me it was a waste of time. MagicVell was located 45 galaxies away from Earth, in the MagicVell Galaxy, ironically. Its history was as rich as I am, and let me just say that my wealth will never run out due to its size.

     The Library of Magic was one of the biggest buildings in the downtown area, with over thirteen stories in height and two basements located underground. Many years ago the building had only been two stories tall with only one basement, but thanks to my generous donations, the library expanded. Across the street, to my left, was the National Museum of Magicoligists, which display many magical inventions, written spell formations, and displays of famous wizards who have contributed to today’s knowledge of magic. This building was six stories tall with one basement. Other buildings include the Wand Shoppe, the Ingredients Emporium, the MagicVell Book Store, and the Magic Press News building. In the center of downtown MagicVell was a huge tree, the biggest ever known. It was close to a hundred stories tall, or to be exact, 1208 feet. To the left of it was the Bell Tower, which held twelve bells for each of the past and present kings or queens of MagicVell. Each bell had the face of a king or queen engraved onto it, with the name of that person and their dates of birth, ruler ship, and death. To the right of the tree was a clock tower that was built by the king before me, Zonethian. This clock was bigger than Great Ben in England.


     As I looked from left to right, I realized that I was the only one out tonight. Then I looked up at the giant face of the clock, who’s ticking could be heard from over thirty feet away. “Great,” it was only a few seconds away from midnight, “Where’s that folder of mine?” tonight was the meeting night. As soon as I found the folder I warped out of MagicVell.


     When I reappeared, the surroundings around me had changed, majorly. Purple desert stretched as far the eye could see, tons of rock and debris were scattered everywhere, all in the same purple color. I turned to my right and started walking; the canyon I was looking for was a few hundred yards away from me.


     Finally the huge thing was in front of me; it was over a mile wide and was so long that it most likely stretched completely around this planet I was on. As I approached the canyon, I realized that there was a flight of steep stone steps made completely of the purple colored rock. The canyon was over a hundred feet deep, which meant that there were about a hundred steps to go down. Suddenly there was a huge bright flash. The flash of white light was nearly blinding, but I was use to this.


     Cheyanne was standing where the source of the light had been. Her long brown hair flowed flawlessly to her shoulders, her eyes were grey like mine, and she was wearing a red dress. “Hello, Zace,” she said to me.


     “Hi, Cheyanne.” She was very skinny, like toothpick skinny, and she had to wear glasses to read. “So, do you know what tonight’s meeting is about?”


     “Not at all,” she said disappointedly.

     “I have my guesses.”

     “You do know that you used the wrong word for that cliché?”

     “Yeah, but I try to create my own clichés,” I said while holding back a laugh.

     “Yeah,” she replied, laughing. There was another flash by the time we reached the bottom of the canyon. A girl was standing there in a blue dress. Her hair was a bright bleach blond, but it was natural, and her eyes were also grey. Like Cheyanne and myself, she looked around eighteen, which was a complete lie. We were so powerful that we could control the effects of time on ourselves.

     “Beautiful night, isn’t it?”

     “Indeed,” I replied. We walked for a while, talking about random things until we found our final destination. A white tower had been carved out of the treacherous side of the canyon. It was seven stories tall and looked ancient. There were many windows in this marble tower, but none had any glass in them. The very top window was the only one with curtains and a light turned on behind them.

     “So when is Charelles getting here?” asked Lillian, but before anyone could answer her, there was another flash of light. Charelles was where the light had been. He was in light blue robes that had stars and moons on them. He looked the same age as us, but yet his hair was silver, not grey silver, I mean metallic silver.

     “Hello everybody, oh finally I’m not the last one here. Where’s Johnathon?” he asked.

     “Probably still in a cemetery somewhere,” Lillian said positively.

     “Well that’s Johnathon for you,” Cheyanne laughed.

     “It’s good to see everyone in a good mood,” I said, “normally everyone is nervous or something, due to the fact that most of these meetings are about bad news.”

     “I don’t really know, but isn’t the moon just awesome tonight?”

     “Yes, Charelles,” everyone said. Suddenly Johnathon was next to him. He was always in black, and tonight was no exception; he was wearing a black tee shirt and black jeans. His hair was a shinny black that sometimes looked greasy. Like all of us, his eyes were grey.

     “Hello everyone,” he said, “Hope this one won’t last as long as some of the others.”

     “Hopefully not,” Cheyanne said.

     “I have a feeling that it won’t be a short one either.” We walked to the door of the tower and entered…

     Three hundred years ago there would have been ten of us coming to these meetings, but bad things happen sometimes in history. Originally there were ten of us; we were all born in the year 1496, on the same day. None of us were truly related to each other, but we considered ourselves as family. Alexander, Susan, Ted, and Rose had been killed; they were part of the ten. Landon was the only one who worried us, now. He had turned evil many years ago, and since then, we’ve hardly heard from him.

     MagicVell had been the only witness to certain events that would end badly. The Fates were neither good nor bad, but we had grown tired of them. In the year of 1532, they came to us with a deal that promised us immortality. They knew we would be the most powerful beings in history. We would shape the universe in our image, and keep it under order and peace. Three hundred years ago, they changed their minds.

     Ted was the first to go; he had turned against us and we had to destroy him. He was meant to come back, but never did. Fate had taken its first victim of our kind.

     Susan had disappeared for a while and her body was found in her house. She looked as if she was still alive, without a trace of death upon her except for actually being dead. She was found in her living room, on the couch.

     Alexander dies in a magic battle. A spell hit him and did much more damage then expected. He died in his bed just two days later. He had been badly injured beyond repair, and died a painful death.

     Rose was the latest victim, and also the worst of them all. After one of our meetings she went home, and we found her the next day. She had been killed in an interesting yet unexplainable way. She was then frozen in time and cut up into perfectly shaped cubes. Lillian couldn’t even stand to look at the end result, it was truly horrifying.

     The only reason why we haven’t confronted the Fates was because no one knew where they were. We had been the last ones to ever see them and live afterwards. They were constantly on the move, and they had the ability to vanish from history from time to time. To be truthful, we didn’t even know if they were the same Fates that had ruled over everything then. These Fates could be the grandchildren of the originals for all we knew…

     Inside was an enormous metal staircase that swirled up a stone column. As we started up, the chandelier came to life, illuminating the entire room. The walls were cracked and the chandelier was covered in rust, yet it still worked. Finally we reached the huge gold door at the very top. The doorknob had been made of diamond, but now it just looked like old glass that had been badly damaged. The numbers 10, 6, 5 were on the door, and the 10 was scratched out like this: 10. 6. 5.


     “You’re all late,” said an old deep voice.


     “Yes, we know,” said Johnathon.

     “Did you bring the folders this time?”

     “Zonethian, yes of course we did.”

     “Good,” Zonethian stepped up to the doorway and shook our hands. He was very old, older then the rest of us. He was born in the year 1431 and had more knowledge then most of the people living today. He was our mentor since 1532, after our date with the Fates. He looked around the age to which he died at, which was 67, but be made a deal with death to came back and teach us of his knowledge. He was always wearing grey robes that dragged on the floor. His hair was long and grey, but his eyes were the most unique thing about him, they were multi-colored. Every color known to mankind seemed to reflect throughout his gaze. He was the only one every to be born this way.

     We sat down at the immensive wooden table that was centered in the room. Its wood was oak, which was a symbol of knowledge to us MagicVellians. A new chandelier hung from the ceiling, polished and spotless. The environment of the room was far different compared to the rest of the tower; wealth could be seen here, as well as power. Eleven chairs circled the table, but only six would be filled tonight.

     “Please take you seats, for the meeting has now begun,” Zonethian said with confidence. My seat was right next to Zonethian, on his left. “We are here to talk about several things tonight; Cheyanne please open your folder and present your information on Landon.”

     “Yes, sir,” she pulled out a small pile of papers from her folder, “Landon has finally showed up again. He was spotted in the 47th galaxy, with fellow evils, Hector and Venos.”

     “Do you know what he was doing there?” asked Charelles.


     “Not entirely; he was seen with a giant bag, its contents unknown.”

     “Hmmm, interesting,” said Zonethian.

     “Hector and Venos were there to keep watch while he sneaked in the Naulaville Memorial Library. Two books were missing afterwards: ‘The Study of the D Could’ and ‘The Compulsonary Magic Study’.”

     “Why were those two books still in the library? I thought we banned those ones along with seventy-two others,” Johnathon said, nervously.

     “We must have missed them, because they aren’t on my lists,” said Cheyanne.

     “Great, another mistake we made.”

     “I’m happy to see that you’re in a positive mood, Charelles.”

     “I was wondering how long it would take you to speak up, Zace,” Zonethian said.

     “Zon, the combination of those books can be deadly, but not as much as we are. This brings up a new question: Why does he need these two books? Well, another combination of the very same books can create a resurrection spell, maybe one for the D Cloud.”

     “Then we must stop them,” Lillian said.

     “Or, we can do something else.”

     “Like what, Zace?”

     “Well, Lillian, we haven’t done a certain type of magic in years.”


     “Oh, you’re talking about illusional two-position magic,” Cheyanne said with intelligence.

     “Indeed, so who wants to do it?”

     “I will,” said Zon.

     “Ok, so I guess that takes care of problem number one, so what’s problem number two?” asked Lillian.

     “Well, you guys know about the ‘5’ on the door, right?”

     “Yeah, ‘10’ at the beginning, ‘6’ now, and soon ‘5’ of us,” she said back.

     “Yes, we are going to have to talk about that one.”

     “Must we really kill him? I mean, we don’t want to completely lose him, like Ted,” she said.

     “I know what you mean, which is why I think we’ll leave this one for a later day. As long as Landon keeps to staying under the extremes, he can live, but if he tries to take over a galaxy, we will have to do something.”

     “Ok, I understand.”

     “And, problem three isn’t so much of a problem, it’s more of a good thing,” I said.

     “Indeed it is,” Zon added,” If you would pull out you papers, we can continue.”

     “Indeed,” I pulled them out,” Her name is Annabelle, and she will be born on Earth, tomorrow.”

     “How do you know this, Zace?” Lillian asked.

     “Because, the Book of Prophecy predicts it.” There was a brief period of silence for over a minute. No one said a word until I started again, “The book says she is the key to our future, the key to our lock, the one.”

     “The one for what?” asked Johnathon.

     “The one to take care of problem numbers one and two. We shall come to her and get her at the age of twelve, but we will have to protect her up until then. They will try to destroy this prophecy, but we won’t let them.”



Prologue: The White Tower

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