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The Magic Council and Board of Magic

Founded in 1465 by King Zonethian, the Magic Council acts as MagicVell's official government. Several departments make up the Magic Council, and they work together to keep all things in order on MagicVell. Each department has a head, and the heads of each department make up the Board of Magic. The current king or queen of MagicVell is also on the Board of Magic, for they act as the head official in all meetings. Due to the council's existence, MagicVell can go a maximum of 15 years without a king or queen, for the council takes over all responsibilities of the ruler of MagicVell in such a case. Through the years, the council has gained and lost departments. This is due to the fact that a department can be deemed unimportant and if its usage is low, the department is put to vote. If the department does not get enough votes to save it, it is removed for the council. Only the king or queen of MagicVell can approve a removal or addition of a department. Each of the departments are as follows:

  • Department of Studies - investigates crimes, discoveries, and inventions.
  • Department of Education - monitors the schooling of new magical beings on Magicvell, ensures that all beings must receive basic magical training. They monitor all of the schools of MagicVell as well as all the apprenticeships. 
  • Department of Law Enforcement - enforces the laws of magic and the laws of MagicVell to ensure that all MagicVellians follow all laws.
  • Department of Magic Registrations - keeps track of all magical being living on MagicVell. Keeps records of magic types, living status, and marital status.
  • Department of Internal Communications - keeps all the planets within the MagicVellian Galaxy in contact with each other to ensure that several laws exist throughout the galaxy. This department also makes sure that all the other planets in the MagicVellian Galaxy will stand together as one in the case of a war. 
  • Department of Universal Communications - does the basic functions of the Department of Internal Communications, except for the fact that they try to do this with the entire universe. 
  • Department of Funds - watches over all stores and sales on MagicVell to ensure that prices are reasonable and that a certain amount of currency remains in use. 
  • Department of Upkeep - keeps MagicVell looking its best at all times by planting flowers and keeping up the streets and buildings of MagicVell.
  • Department of Human Relations - focuses on one single law of MagicVell: Humans cannot know of our existence.
  • Department of Mappings - works on mapping the undiscovered islands of MagicVell as well as the undiscovered parts of the MagicVellian Galaxy as well as the universe.   
  • Department of Transportations - monitors magical transportational means, and enforces the laws that deal with such travel. 
  • Department of Magic Activities - Monitors the many activities of the many groups on MagicVell as well as in the universe. This department also monitors any major events on MagicVell.
  • Department of Spells - keeps a record of every spell ever used. All spells that are created must be registered with this department. 
  • Department of Watch and Keep - keeps a close eye on the Evil Empire, monitors all of their actions, and leads all spy missions to the Evil Empire.
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